Cyber Security Services

Cyber Security Consultancy Solutions and Information Security Trainings for Institutions

Consulting Solutions in Cyber Security Field

Cyber security is a holistic set of proactive security applications designed to protect personal data, OT and IT assets, electronic systems and corporate networks against internal and external threats and keep them safe. Cyber security applications aim to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and accessibility of our data on electronic systems.

In the age of technology, where digital transformation affects our lives, cyber threats can come through the digital world and influences our entire lives. As Privia Security, we offer special cyber security solutions and information security trainings to institutions against this threat that affects countries, institutions and even people.

Consulting Solutions in Cyber Security Field

Cyber Security Solutions

Penetration Testing Service

Penetration Testing Service

Penetration testing is a cyber security service that is performed towards IT assets and used to detect cyber security threats in advance.

Red Team Service

Red Team Service

It is a cyber security approach that targets the vulnerabilities in the institution, vulnerable areas, systems and users, and is created to identify risks and evaluate them.

Altyapı Olgunlaştırma Hizmeti

Infrastructure Maturation Service

It is a package service that includes many services. This package includes four basic services such as Forensic Analysis, Incident Response, Penetration Test and Emergency Action…

EKS, ICS, SCADA Sızma Testi Hizmeti

EKS, ICS, SCADA Penetration Testing

Industrial Control Systems are built as stand-alone systems that are not interconnected and contain little about security measures.

Sürekli Siber Güvenlik Danışmanlığı

Cyber Security Consultancy

Our expert team in the field performs all the necessary applications to assist your organization on information security issues 24/7, 365 days a year.

DOS ve DDOS Testleri Hizmeti

DOS and DDOS Testing Service

DOS or DDOS tests aim to determine how long systems can survive at the result of a denial of service attack on the corporate network.

Internet of Things (IOT) Sızma Testleri

Internet of Things (IOT) Penetration

IoT is defined as the Internet of Things. It covers all devices on or connected to the internet.

Web Uygulama Sızma Testi Hizmeti

Web Application Penetration Testing

Most of the attacks from the outside to the inside are carried out through security vulnerabilities in web applications.

Düzenli Zafiyet Tarama

Regular Vulnerability Scanning

It is a type of test and application used to detect ever-evolving Cyber Security threats and performed towards corporate assets.

Kablosuz Ağ Güvenlik Testleri

Wireless Network Security Testing

Wireless network technologies are gaining more and more place in our lives day by day. With our wireless network penetration testing security service, we offer…

Mobil Uygulama Sızma Testi

Mobile Application Penetration

As institutions develop mobile applications using many software languages, cyber attacks in this area increase and become an opportunity for cyber attackers.

Sosyal Mühendislik (APT) Testleri

Social Engineering (APT) Testing

Social engineering tests can be performed in different scenarios for people determined by the institution, as well as blackbox tests spread throughout the organization.

İz Kayıt Analizi Hizmeti

Trace Record Analysis

Trace Record Analysis is a service that analyzes and follows the traces left by the attacker after an incident occurs in the network infrastructure of the institution.

Siber Güvenlik Acil Eylem Planı

Cyber Security Action Plan

Within the scope of the action, the steps to be taken and the projects to be done in order to make the IT infrastructure within the institution more secure are determined…

Siber Olay Müdahalesi Hizmeti

Incident Response

Incident Response covers all actions taken during and after the incident towards an incident or security breach that occurs in IT systems.

Siber Güvenlik Çözümleri ve Bilgi Güvenliği Danışmanlık Hizmetleri İletişim Fiyat Teklifi

Other Services

You can contact us for all the services we offer as Privia Security. Our experienced experts in the field of Cyber Security, will be there with 24/7 support we will provide…

Cyber Security Services Specific to Your Institution